Our Clinic is proud to be part of Malaysia’s Covid-19 Immunisation Programme. Malaysia has adopted a “whole-of-government” and “whole-of-society” approach which involves various Ministries, Government Agencies, State Governments, NGOs, the private sector and members of the community to ensure that we achieve our vaccination goals.
You will be notified of the date and time of your appointment via the MySejahtera
app, phone call or SMS.
Before arriving at our clinic, please remember your Identity Card with you.
If you feel unwell
If you're unwell on the day of your appointment, you should still go for your vaccination if it's a minor illness without fever.
If you feel very unwell your vaccine may be postponed until you have fully recovered.
Do not attend your vaccine appointment if you feel unwell with symptoms of coronavirus. Self-isolate and book a test instead.
If you've already had coronavirus
Even if you’ve already had coronavirus, you could still get it again. The vaccine will reduce your risk of another infection and the seriousness of your symptoms if you do get it again.
If you've recently tested positive for coronavirus – even if you have no symptoms – you should wait until 4 weeks after the date you were tested before getting the vaccine.
The vaccine is your best protection against coronavirus. NHS Scotland strongly recommends you get the vaccine as soon as it's offered to you.
Preparing for the vaccination
On the day of your vaccine, wear practical clothing so it’s easy to access your upper arm.
If you have a fear of needles or feel anxious, try to stay calm and let the doctor know. They will be understanding and can support you.
You can bring a care taker, a sighted guide/translator to your appointment if required.
value. quality care. convenience.